Let me introduce you to 

a Hidden “Gut Health” Breakthrough for Menopausal Weight Management…  

A discovery that, until recently, was largely overlooked—yet has now shown such remarkable efficacy that it can help manage menopausal weight gain and balance metabolism within just a few weeks.

“I’ve been struggling with weight gain since entering menopause. After incorporating this into my daily routine for a couple of weeks, I noticed a significant difference in my weight and digestion. I feel lighter and more balanced, and the weight has been staying off. I'm genuinely impressed with the effects!”  

-Linda M. on 09/15/2023

If You’ve Tried Diet Changes, Exercise Routines, Hormonal Supplements, or Caloric Restrictions…

And you STILL find yourself battling persistent menopausal weight gain and sluggish metabolism…

Don’t give up.

Stay tuned for the most promising update you’ll encounter today…

By Dr. Emily Sanders  

Doctor of Nutritional Sciences, 

Certified Menopause Specialist, & w8lab Co-Founder

My name is Dr. Emily Sanders. For over a decade, I have specialized in nutritional science with a focus on women's health, particularly during menopause, in the vibrant city of San Francisco.

One of the most frequent issues my patients face is menopausal weight gain—a challenge that significantly impacts quality of life for many women.

I Understand How Frustrating it can Be When You’re Dealing with Stubborn Weight Gain During Menopause…  

Moving feels heavier – and each effort seems less effective than before.

You might not even fit into your favorite clothes…

But, research now highlights a straightforward yet frequently ignored solution…

The secret is in enhancing your gut health with this specific blend of probiotics—crucial for optimizing metabolic function and supporting hormonal balance in your body.

When you incorporate this specialized probiotic blend, it assists in enhancing your gut flora.

This adjustment enables your body to naturally improve metabolism, support weight management, and balance hormonal fluctuations on a cellular level.

So if you want to take charge of your menopausal weight gain, keep reading to discover the probiotic combination that has completely transformed the way myself and other health experts approach weight and metabolic health during menopause.

Not to Mention, it’s Also Helped Folks…

Reduce bloating and digestive discomfort by 40%* so you can enjoy meals without discomfort and feel good in your clothes...

Enhance mood and energy levels by 20%*, meaning you can enjoy your daily activities with renewed vigor...

Boost immune health by supporting gut bacteria balance, which influences roughly 70%* of the immune system, ensuring you stay healthy during family events...

Stabilize hormonal fluctuations and improve metabolism, which can help manage weight and reduce menopausal symptoms*…

Promote healthier skin and hair through improved gut health, keeping your appearance radiant and youthful...

And so much more…

Are You Ready to Embrace a Vibrant Menopause — Without the Weight Worries?

If YES, You’ll Want To Read on to See This Remarkable Weight Management Aid in Action…

Because These Pioneering Studies Show How Women are Addressing the Core Issue of Menopausal Weight Gain Right at Home…

Sarah T. said “goodbye” to her ineffective diet plans…

“I just started using this and the weight started dropping off almost immediately. Better yet, I don’t have to waste money on diets that never worked for me.”

Jane K. was skeptical, but after just a few weeks…

“WOW!!! I was a bit skeptical about this…but hopeful. I've been using it for only 5 weeks and the extra pounds and bloating are totally gone—completely cleared up. I can only imagine how much better I'll feel after 12 weeks. Even my mood and energy levels are better. If you have the same weight management issues that I had, TRY THIS! You won’t be sorry.”

And Linda saw incredible results in just one week…

“I have been struggling with menopausal weight and read this article and I started using this and could not believe the difference in a three weeks period. I already lost 19lbs. Thank you so much!”


To Overlook Menopausal Weight Gain is to Ignore a Crucial Indicator of Underlying Health Issues That Should Not Be Dismissed…

So I encourage you today, to take a moment to understand what menopausal weight gain reveals about your overall health…  

Plus, you’ll also learn about the innovative solution that thousands of women in menopause are using to manage their weight and enhance their metabolic health.

Now you might be wondering…

What Does Menopausal Weight Gain Have to Do With My Health?

Many women dismiss menopausal weight gain daily…

At least, Laura did. She thought it was just a part of aging, perhaps due to reduced activity, or maybe this was just a new reality of being “older” to contend with...

Unfortunately, it was a warning sign of more significant issues that definitely should NOT have been overlooked.

It turns out Laura was experiencing a hormonal imbalance affecting a large number of women during menopause…*

This imbalance not only caused persistent weight gain and bloating…

But it also highlighted serious concerns about her metabolic health, mood fluctuations, and energy levels.

As Laura herself said, “That doctor’s appointment was an eye-opener… but if I hadn’t brought up my sudden weight gain, I bet you we wouldn’t have discovered my thyroid issues until it was much worse...

And we wouldn’t have tried this one solution… the one that made ALL the difference!”

Women Now Use ONE Simple Step to Determine if THEY May Be Experiencing This Hormonal Imbalance…  

They simply step on a scale or put on a pair of previously comfortable clothes to see if they fit tighter than before…

That’s a sign.

Or, when they track their dietary habits and physical activity yet see no improvements in weight or overall well-being…

Not good.

Some experience constant fatigue and mood swings even when they feel like they’ve tried everything: healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management…

Not only frustrating, but potentially indicative of deeper health issues.

What Could Persistent Menopausal Weight Gain Have to Do With Metabolism?

These symptoms may be linked to what's called metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome includes a cluster of conditions like high blood sugar, elevated blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, and excess body fat around the waist.

This imbalance means the body is less effective at managing weight and blood sugar levels…

Leaving it to struggle with energy distribution and overall hormonal balance.

High stress levels, poor diet, and insufficient exercise are all contributors to this issue.

Most prescribed solutions come with a long list of side effects.

It’s not ideal.

Fatigue or insomnia. Digestive issues like bloating or constipation. Mood swings or irritability. Feeling unusually tired or a lack of energy. Headaches. Nausea or changes in appetite…

Fortunately, Innovative Danish Research Uncovered a Probiotic Blend That Could Enhance Metabolic Health BY OVER 30%...

With ZERO side effects.

Danish health experts and researchers conducted a study of 782 women in menopause and found that those with a balanced gut microbiome experienced significantly better weight management and reduced symptoms of metabolic syndrome by over 30%.*

In Sweden, a trial of 92 women aged 50 and older found that supplementation with specific probiotics resulted in a notable decrease in abdominal fat and improvements in insulin sensitivity.*  

And research from Yale University, among other institutions, contributes to the growing body of evidence suggesting that certain multi-strain probiotic supplements may be beneficial for gut health.* A healthy gut has been linked with lower inflammation levels and better hormonal balance.

But while you may think you already know all there is to know about probiotics...

Like how The American Nutrition Association* and Harvard Medical School* say probiotics help optimize digestion... regulate bowel movements... and support immune function…

And might already be taking yogurt or other fermented foods in an effort to boost your probiotic intake...

Only ONE “Hidden” Source of Gut-Health Boosting Probiotics Had Health Experts Amazed as It Also…

Lowered overall body fat percentage...

Significantly reduced symptoms of bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort for participants...

And enhanced overall energy levels and mood stability!*

The Journal of Nutritional Science even suggested these specific probiotics, “...offer a superior approach toward the improvement of metabolic health and menopausal symptoms.”*

And when Laura started incorporating these probiotics into her daily routine, here’s what she noticed:

“The sluggishness I have battled through my menopause is nearly gone…

No more missing out on activities because I needed to rest for hours.

No more persistent weight gain, even as I age into my 50s and beyond!!

I am eager to see what my next medical check-up reveals…

And won't be surprised if my overall health markers have improved!”

Plus, thousands of other REAL WORLD women like you consider this supernutrient their secret “metabolic” weapon -- and now, it’s your turn…

Like 68-year-old Ellen Martinez,

“My last health screening was a revelation. For the first time in a decade, my blood sugar levels, which were always borderline, are now well within the normal range!!

My doctor was so impressed that she wanted to confirm the results. They were accurate!”

55-year-old Marcia Reynolds,

“After three months, I noticed significant changes in my digestion and a noticeable reduction in my waistline. My clothes fit better and I feel great!!”

And 62-year-old Susan Lee,

“I was looking for a natural way to manage my weight and improve my energy levels. This has been so effective that I plan to discuss with my doctor about scaling back on certain medications!

My weight has stabilized and I feel more active and less fatigued. I am looking forward to my next health screening to see the continued benefits. I definitely don't want to go back to feeling how I did before!”

Ready for the revelation? Here it is…

Let's begin by exploring the complex ecosystem of the human gut...

To a place so intricately connected to our overall health, where countless microorganisms thrive in harmony.

That's where we discover a powerful blend of probiotics including Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Lactobacillus Plantarum, and Lactobacillus Paracasei...

And the reason behind health experts' fascination with this specific combination?

It naturally enhances your gut flora, potentially being 10X MORE EFFECTIVE than typical dietary changes alone.*

Helping you "rebalance" not only your metabolism, but also your mood and energy levels in as little as a few weeks.*

If You've Taken Dietary Supplements for Menopausal Weight Management and Haven't Noticed A Difference,

Here's Exactly Why...  

There are two basic issues with common dietary supplements...

1.) They don't align with the unique hormonal needs of menopausal women...

2.) They often lack the specific strains of probiotics that directly impact metabolic and hormonal balance, rendering them less effective...

Both reasons stem from the fact that not all supplements are created with menopause in mind.

You read that correctly: instead, many supplements target general health without addressing the specific challenges of menopause...

...like the need for specialized probiotic support!

And once you take advantage of probiotics from a targeted source, you'll finally tap into everything they have to offer...

Improved metabolic rate, balanced hormone levels, reduced bloating, and enhanced energy and mood...

Breakthrough research from The Journal of Women's Health* validates it:

When put head to head against general supplements, astonished scientists found targeted probiotic blends to be significantly more effective in managing menopausal symptoms…*

Meaning general supplements might not address your specific needs, leading only to wasted money.

But once you switch to (or add-in) the power of specialized probiotics, the results speak for themselves:  

Like Barbara E., from Austin, TX:  

"I tried various supplements (different brands) which didn't seem to have any impact at all...

I finally tried this probiotic blend... so glad I did. My bloating reduced drastically, and I feel less sluggish... Also, my mood has stabilized significantly... Another bonus... I've lost 12 pounds."  

Jennifer P., from Cleveland, OH:  

“My sister and I have been trying various health supplements for years and recently switched… 

Overall, I have noticed an improvement in my digestive health and less frequent hot flashes with a bonus of feeling more energetic. I can highly recommend this product."  

And Maria S. from Seattle, WA:  

“My weight had been creeping up. It didn’t bother me much at first, but over time, the extra pounds were affecting my energy levels and mood. It had been this way for about 2-3 years but was becoming more and more noticeable…

Just MONTHS after switching to this probiotic blend, all of the weight issues have started to improve! I went from my max of 204 lbs, and now I’ve reached my goal - 190 lbs!”

"The moment I discovered this information, I felt compelled to share it with you..."

If we haven’t met yet, my name is Dr. Emily Sanders, co-founder of w8lab, Women’s Health Advocate, and Doctor of Nutritional Sciences for over a decade.

For years, I’ve been providing my followers with natural alternatives to the generic health advice that often overlooks the unique needs of women in menopause...

Leading a wellness movement hundreds of thousands strong on social media...

And by now, you understand a high-quality Probiotic Blend could transform your approach to managing menopausal symptoms...

In fact, it's ESSENTIAL for someone as proactive about their health as you are...

Because believe it or not, you deserve to live a life free from the struggles of menopausal weight gain.

And now that I've developed this product, you finally can!


W8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics

Friend, if you're not willing to accept "it's just part of aging" as an excuse for your persistent menopausal symptoms...

And if you're done with taking handfuls of supplements that don't seem to make a difference...

This could be the most transformative day of your life.

Because today is the day we equip you with the additional support needed to reverse the effects of menopause on your weight, mood, and overall vitality...

With the ONLY twice-a-day capsules rigorously free from unnecessary additives, impurities, and toxins...

Specifically formulated to ENRICH your gut flora with the potent effects of Probiotics, fostering significant improvements in what feels like no time at all.

And you can use this at-home solution to enhance your health... without stepping outside your door.

Make no mistake: Whether you believe you've been stuck with challenging genetics...

If you're navigating your 40s, 50s, 60s, and it seems daunting...

Or if you've overlooked your health for too long...

W8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics can work wonders for you. We guarantee it.

And since it's free from soy, gluten, added sugars, artificial colors, and fully compliant with GMP standards...

You can be confident it aligns with your lifestyle.

Can You Imagine Yourself This Time Next Month…

Picture it!

For the first time in ages, waking up refreshed before your alarm clock without that familiar feeling of heaviness…

Stepping out of bed with a lightness in your step, feeling balanced and energized...

Reaching for your morning coffee in the kitchen without any signs of bloating or discomfort...

Bypassing the pile of unused supplements as you move through your morning routine with ease...

Loved ones marveling over breakfast at the positive, vibrant person they missed...

The caregiver... the pillar of strength... the inspiration they’ve longed to see...

Once again fully engaged...

Moving effortlessly...




And completely at ease.

All that - and MORE - is within reach today.

Our Unique Formula Operates on What Experts Describe as "Probiotic Synergy"

And without delving too deeply into the complexities, here’s what you need to know:

The probiotics in typical supplements are often in forms that do not align with the natural gut environment, making them less effective.

The advanced Probiotics in our blend, however, are in a form that mirrors the natural gut flora...*

This is crucial because your gut lining also hosts a similar bacterial ecosystem…

So, you can likely see the connection...

Your gut and our Probiotic Blend are designed to work in harmony!

And because of this, our Probiotics are absorbed and utilized by your body far more efficiently than standard options.

Even better:

Our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is so Effective, it Could REVITALIZE Your Metabolism Through Multiple Mechanisms...

In fact, when compared to standard probiotics, research suggests that our blend:*

"...exceeds the benefits of typical probiotics and offers a superior approach toward the improvement of metabolic health and weight management."

Imagine researchers' astonishment when they observed it reducing bloating by 41%...

Reducing unwanted weight gain in participants by 31%...

And significantly enhancing mood stability and energy levels by 20%...

Standard probiotics? They saw a 5% improvement on average.

Just as one might predict.

Out they go...

And in their place, w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics...

Because that's not just one... two... but MULTIPLE ways it supports your metabolic health...

That's about as effective as it gets, wouldn't you agree?

Because if our formula contained just these probiotics, you'd be more than prepared.

But That Just Wasn't Enough... You Deserve Something Even MORE Effective…

Which is why you'll be excited to hear about another scientific breakthrough that accompanies our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics.

One we've enhanced the formula with for your benefit...

Ensuring it's unparalleled and unmatched in its capability to support your metabolism, mood, and overall health in just a few weeks...

That's Why the Specific Blend of Probiotics We're Using Naturally Includes Powerful Strains Like Lactobacillus Acidophilus

And it'll amplify your results with our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics exponentially.

In fact, recent research supports its designation as "Mother Nature's Balancer" to help...

- Reduce bloating and digestive discomfort by 40%* so you can enjoy your meals without feeling sluggish...

- Enhance mood regulation and cognitive function by 20%*, meaning you can remain sharp and spirited...

- Boost your immune system by improving gut flora balance, which affects roughly 70% of the immune system*, so you're fully present at every family event...

- Stabilize hormonal levels and improve metabolism, which can help manage weight and reduce menopausal symptoms effectively…*

- Even promote healthier skin and hair through improved gut health, keeping your appearance radiant and youthful...

And that's just the beginning of what you can expect...

In fact, many say it's...

550X more effective than generic probiotic supplements

800X more impactful than simple dietary changes

6000X more potent than standard hormonal treatments


A blend so powerful...

It naturally supports gut health and metabolic processes SIGNIFICANTLY better & faster than generic treatments like dietary changes, simple probiotic supplements, and standard hormonal therapies.*

Your body's metabolism and hormonal balance are influenced by various factors, including diet, stress levels, environmental toxins, and natural aging processes...

But they are also critically impacted by the balance of gut flora.

Imbalances in gut flora can lead to ineffective digestion and absorption of nutrients, which may steal energy from other bodily processes and cause disruptions in metabolic and hormonal functions...

As a finely tuned blend of multi-strain probiotics, our formula holds powerful properties* and plays a CRUCIAL role...

Essentially, it helps "reset" your gut flora balance before imbalances can lead to more significant health issues…

Breaking a cycle of poor gut health that can affect your metabolism, hormonal balance, and overall well-being.

In my opinion, our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is one of the most powerful tools for managing menopause symptoms...

And it's now inside every capsule of w8lab's signature product.

But the benefits don't stop there...

In fact...

Our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics Can Help ALLEVIATE

Menopausal Symptoms and Weight Management Issues Faster than Anything You've Tried Before…

I know it might sound too good to be true, but it's backed by science.

When researchers from took 85 volunteers experiencing menopausal symptoms and gave them either this probiotic blend or a placebo...

In just a few weeks, overall bloating and digestive discomfort decreased by 24%...

Mood swings and energy levels improved by 26%...

And weight management became more effective by 29%...

Goodbye unnecessary dieting, ineffective supplements, and frustrating weight fluctuations...

Do you see how effective this Probiotic Blend is?

The Bottom Line Is This: You'll Feel Rejuvenated and More Like Your Pre-Menopausal Self Again

You'll Feel Rejuvenated and More Like Your Pre-Menopausal Self Again

Imagine this scenario vividly...

Tossing out your unused supplements with a satisfied smile..


Never again feeling overwhelmed by fatigue or frustration over hormonal mood swings...

Getting back to hobbies and activities you've put aside, like gardening, yoga, or traveling with friends...

Regaining balance in your metabolic health and hormonal levels...

As a bonus: breathing a sigh of relief knowing you don't need countless doctor's appointments or prescription adjustments to achieve it...

Is Weight Management a Challenge for You? Then You'll Be Thrilled With THIS

Because if you're anything like the countless individuals who turn to me for guidance...

...you're wondering if our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics will aid in your weight management efforts.

The answer is a definitive "YES!"

In fact, a study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that our specific probiotic strains enhance metabolic function more efficiently than typical probiotic formulations.*

Meaning you can say goodbye to taking multiple supplements...

You can now support your metabolism and streamline your waistline with just one simple capsule.

And in addition to balancing your hormones, improving your mood, optimizing your digestion, and now aiding your weight management...

I have one final reason why w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is a MUST-HAVE...

The Probiotics Found in Our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics Have a Proven Anti-Aging Effect So Profound, You'll Feel as if You're Rejuvenating...

Let me explain:

Researchers from The Journal of Gerontology recently explored the effects of probiotics on cellular health...*

"Probiotics influence gut flora, which is directly connected to how well your body functions as it ages—everything from digestion to cognitive health..."

So they're a direct indicator of how you look, move, think, and feel...

Make sense? Great!

Because for participants who supplemented with the right strains of probiotics (like those in our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics)... their overall health markers improved!

You read that correctly, they experienced a holistic enhancement in wellbeing…

So while your peers might be stressing over menopause and related health declines...

You'll celebrate knowing you can return to activities you and your loved ones enjoy...




Imagine Your Doctor AMAZED By Changes in Your Health Metrics...

What's more: experiencing a digestive system so efficient, your friends can't help but notice your new vitality every time you're out for a meal...

Energy levels so robust, never again will you feel too tired for...

... a long walk in the park...

... cooking your favorite dishes...

... or even playing with your grandchildren.

And what was once unpredictable weight fluctuations, suddenly becomes stable...

With skin so radiant and a mood so uplifted, you feel confident in your daily activities...

I'm even willing to bet you'll enjoy more restful sleep because your hormonal fluctuations are better managed...

That's just how effective w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is…

At This Point, You May Be Wondering How You Can Try w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics Yourself…

Along with how much and how often do you need to take it for optimal results?

At w8lab, our formula includes a carefully selected blend of probiotics sourced from the most effective strains for menopausal support, recognized for their ability to enhance gut health and hormonal balance.

Even better, w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics also contains prebiotics which serve as food for the beneficial bacteria, enhancing their growth and the overall health benefits. This synergy not only supports your gut flora but also aids in improving metabolism, mood, and energy levels significantly.

So, you're not just getting a powerful probiotic blend, but also the comprehensive benefits of enhanced gut flora and prebiotic support with every dose.

But There’s Just One Downside…

The intricate process of cultivating and maintaining the specific strains of probiotics used in our w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics requires careful handling and stringent quality control measures. This adds significant time to our production schedules.

But, that’s not the only thing affecting the supply chain… Factors like labor shortages and equipment availability also contribute to occasional delays.

Which means it can take a considerable amount of time to produce even a single batch of w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics…

And with the growing awareness and demand for high-quality probiotics aimed at menopausal support, some experts caution that supply might struggle to keep up.

On top of that…

People Who Try It Keep Coming Back To Order More… And At Larger Quantities, Too!

Menopausal symptoms MANAGED in days!

Jennifer Thomas on 06/22/2023

I started using this about a month ago. For over a year I had been struggling with severe menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes and night sweats. My situation seemed hopeless. After about four days I noticed my symptoms were significantly reduced. Within the next few days, my hot flashes were nearly gone. This stuff is nothing short of a miracle!

My doctor is impressed

Michael Robinson on 05/03/2023

My overall health is better than ever! My doctor is completely impressed. I feel fantastic and I will never go a day without this product! I need to reorder more probiotics. Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!!

Made a HUGE difference

Patricia on 04/23/2023

The Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is making a very big difference in my life. I hardly have any digestive issues now. I still get bloated occasionally, but that is only because I sometimes indulge too much! I was able to stop using another product I had been trying for bloating, as this works much better! Thank you so much for a terrific product -- one that truly helps and is even affordable!

I ordered 6 more bottles

Gregory Evans on 05/21/2022

My metabolism has greatly improved since starting on the Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics. It is a wonderful product. I don’t experience any discomfort, which I have with other probiotics in the past. There isn’t a foul taste or aftertaste, which I was worried about from past experiences with other products I won’t name. This is a very high-quality product and does what it promises!

This Is A Good Problem To Have, But…

The increased demand has put an even BIGGER strain on our production.

Especially since our specialized probiotic formula requires precise cultivation conditions and can take a considerable time to produce.

As a result, w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics frequently sells out…

And, to make matters worse… Inflation has caused significant increases in freight costs, fuel, and shipping…

Due To The Ongoing Inflation, We Decided To Order Way More Bottles Of Our Best-Selling w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics Than We Needed…

Just so you can get it at the absolute best rate and without paying anything extra for it during these unprecedented economic times.

Now, since we’re a small business, these bottles are taking up a lot of space in our warehouse…

So, we decided to offer an exclusive “Inflation Promotion” discount…

Where you can stock up on w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion for as low as $25.99/bottle PLUS FREE SHIPPING!

That’s a whopping 60% OFF!

This is incredible news since myself along with many experts believe this targeted probiotic blend to be essential for managing menopause symptoms effectively, especially while focusing on our health is crucial these days.

So How Much Probiotic Do You Need To Take In Order To Reap Its Benefits?

Based on research, taking two capsule of our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics daily can provide the comprehensive gut health support many individuals seek.

Some studies show that benefits, such as improvements in digestion and mood, may be noticed within the first few days.

However, for individuals experiencing hormonal changes, such as menopause, the effects of years of hormonal imbalance may require more consistent intervention.

Thus, it’s recommended for adults to use our probiotic blend for at least 60 days (or more) in order to achieve maximum benefits.

Many of my patients find the most success with long-term daily use of our probiotic blend to help ensure that one’s gut health and related symptoms are managed effectively.

So it makes sense why so many w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics users order large quantities at a time...

The benefits of a specialized probiotic blend are only truly realized when it’s taken day-after-day and month-after-month.

Simply put, our probiotic is no “miracle supplement”...

Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics Only Works If You…

Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply take one capsule each day.

Take the right amount for the results you want. By taking one capsule per day, you are providing your body with a potent blend of probiotics and prebiotics, which ensures your gut will receive the most effective amount of beneficial bacteria for optimal function.

Take it for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that the longer you use Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics, the greater (and longer-lasting) the benefits will be.

In other words, taking one capsule sporadically isn’t going to cut it.

Consistency is key.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

Start with at least 3 bottles of w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics at a time.

And 6 bottles if they want to ensure they don’t run out.

Then take it for a period of at least 90 days.

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our best-selling Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics than now…

Because so many studies show that using more probiotics for longer durations yields the greatest results…

We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this beneficial supplement.

That’s why my w8lab team and I went to great lengths to secure a surplus of our formula to offer our deepest discount yet.

Right now, when you stock up on 6 bottles of w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics…


On this page ONLY, I've Reserved an EXCLUSIVE 60% DISCOUNT off the normal retail price listed on our website…

Listen: you know I don't believe you should spend an arm and a leg for good health.

Especially when you calculate the money wasted on "menopause miracle pills", ineffective supplements, and temporary relief you get with over-the-counter remedies...

Plus the time, energy, and resources spent googling tricks to manage weight, enhance metabolic health...

... stabilize mood swings, and regain the vitality you enjoyed in your younger years...

... the freedom from digestive discomfort that seems to have been taken from you...

And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.

But you won't be paying that today.

In fact...

I Might Be Crazy… But I’m Going to Cut The Price by More than HALF For You Today...

I've decided to slash the price in half on this page only because you've shown dedication to managing your health during menopause.

Don't you think it's time you got rewarded for that?

This is why we want you to be able to secure a 6-bottle supply of w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics for ONLY $25.99/bottle + FREE shipping!

That’s less than HALF the suggested retail price listed on our website...

So if you're ready to dive in...

Here's what's going to happen next:

When you click on the GREEN "Get Probiotics Now" button below, you will simply select your desired quantity of w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics. Then you can proceed to our safe, secure checkout page where you will complete your order.

Best of all, you’ll be getting a 60% OFF “Inflation Promotion” discount automatically applied to your order just through ordering through this special page.

Introducing our Risk-Free 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

At w8lab, we stand behind the quality of our products, which is why we offer a Risk-Free 365-Day Return & Refund Policy. That means you have 365 days to try out our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center for return assistance.

Rest assured you can order with confidence, knowing that your purchase is backed by our iron-clad 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.

You've Got Nothing to Lose and a Healthier, More Balanced You to Gain

Plus, with many supplements, the ingredients aren't always clear.

Companies often tout a proprietary blend, which might mean they're including unnecessary fillers.

That's why you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing our brand-new Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is produced right here, in the United States...

Under the most stringent standards of quality, potency, and safety...

With a transparent label that discloses every ingredient.

I believe in complete transparency with you.

w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is also manufactured here in the USA in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliant facility—ensuring the highest level of quality, potency, and safety in every bottle.

Pretty incredible, right?

Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Health?

Great! All that's left to do is click the button below.

And in the next few days, w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics will arrive in a discreet package at your doorstep for FREE.

Then... get ready.

Because as you eagerly open it like a long-awaited gift...

I want you to take two capsules, relax, and take a moment for yourself...

Because you've just taken a significant step towards better health for the day.

Our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics will take care of the rest...

And within days...

Don't be surprised if you wake up feeling refreshed and energetic, a feeling you haven't experienced in years...

Digestive discomforts that normally bother you might diminish...

And as you move around your kitchen preparing breakfast, you might find yourself heading into your day with newfound energy...

EXCITED for what lies ahead.

More importantly...

Finally enjoying quality time with loved ones without menopausal symptoms getting in the way…

I'm talking about enjoying spontaneous outings...

Relaxing walks in the park...

Sharing stories and laughter that last into the night...

Even dancing with joy at family gatherings...

All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab your bottle today at 60% OFF.

W8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics Is Your Gateway To Reclaiming A Balanced Life... And I Reserved A Bottle With YOUR Name On It!

The one catch?

I only have 1,288 bottles left in our inventory to offer at this exceptional price...

So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have bottles available...

But NOW is the time to act.

Because truth is, as a Doctor of Nutritional Sciences, there's nothing more disheartening than the look of frustration and regret in patients who've missed their chance...

Who've promised themselves they'd do everything possible to manage their health...

To provide their body, mind, and emotional well-being with everything it needs...

But when it comes time to commit...

They hesitate.

I understand this is a bit of tough love, but I believe it's necessary.

That's why I made our w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics to address this.

To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the vibrant, balanced life you've always envisioned for yourself (without straining your finances).

Listen: I’ve Given You A 60% Off Discount Because In Today’s Economy, I Understand It’s A Struggle To Make Ends Meet… Especially For Those Navigating Through Menopause On A Fixed Income.

You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your utility bills or managing your menopausal symptoms.

Besides, this small investment in your health today could end up saving you thousands in future healthcare costs.

Bottom line: I don’t want financial concerns to ever come between you and your well-being.

Which is exactly why with our exclusive Inflation Promotion discount, we’re letting you stock up on w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics for as low as just $25.99/bottle, PLUS FREE SHIPPING!

Best of all, there's no risk involved since our 365-day money-back guarantee has you covered for a full year.

This is a no-brainer if you ask me.

All that's left is for you to come and join us. Click the button below now:

Inflation Promotion Discount:

Get w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics For Up To 60% OFF & FREE Shipping

(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

Activities Once Thought Out of Reach During Menopause Are Now Within Your Grasp...

You'll start enjoying everyday moments again...

Spending quality time with loved ones without the constant concern about your menopausal symptoms...

And improving your metabolism, mood, and overall vitality in just a few weeks...

I'm here to tell you—and SHOW YOU—that it's all achievable today...

You're just ONE CLICK AWAY from becoming a testament to this change.

Besides, you have an entire year to see how it works for you with our 365-day money-back guarantee.

So you risk nothing...

Yet stand to gain so much...

Don't miss out. Join us now.

Click the button below and give w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics a try, while supplies last:

(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

Thank you for considering this opportunity to enhance your health.

Dr. Emily Sanders

Co-founder, w8lab

P.S. If you're still here, you might have some questions:

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions About w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics

Q.) What kind of results can I expect from w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics?

Our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is thoroughly backed by contemporary research. So whether you're using it to manage menopausal symptoms, enhance gut health, or stabilize mood... it will deliver results for you...

Within days, you could experience noticeable improvements in digestion and energy levels. This is due to the rebalancing of your gut flora, which can help you feel, move, and live more comfortably. You might find yourself handling stress better and enjoying a more restful night’s sleep.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Is there really a 365-day money-back guarantee?


Yes! Today's "loyal customer only" offer is completely risk-free. You have a full year to try our product and decide if it's right for you.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) What time of day should I take w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics?

I personally recommend taking two (2) capsules once a day as a dietary supplement. For best results, take one (1) capsule during the day and one (1) capsule in the evening. However, it can be taken at any time of the day that suits your routine. Since our probiotics are gentle on the stomach, you won’t have to schedule your day around them.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Where is w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics produced?

Our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics is formulated and manufactured in the USA, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety. We source our ingredients responsibly and ensure everything is produced under strict regulations.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Is w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics safe? What are the side effects?


There are typically no known side effects with our Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics. It’s all-natural and made from clinically studied ingredients that are gentle and effective. However, as with any supplement, it's a good idea to discuss with your healthcare provider before starting a new regimen.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) What is the shelf life of w8lab's Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics?


Our probiotics are designed to be stable and potent for up to two years from the date of manufacture. Store them in a cool, dry place to maintain their efficacy over time.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Can I buy more than one bottle?


Absolutely, on the order form, you'll have the option to purchase multiple bottles, which is advisable since buying in bulk offers additional savings and ensures you don’t run out of your daily probiotic support.

When you're ready to cash in on your 60% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Rewind The Clock On Your Menopausal Symptoms With

w8lab Probiotic 40 Billion with Prebiotics

Inflation Promotion: Save 60% With Our Multi Bottle Discount + FREE SHIPPING

Go ahead and order your 6, 3, or 1-month supply of w8lab Probiotic 40 Billion by choosing one of the packages you see below.

Our six-month option is by far our most popular.

The reason why is simple: w8lab Probiotic 40 Billion uses only the most effective, scientifically-backed strains of probiotics tailored specifically for menopausal health. As a result, demand is high and supplies can run low.

Once our customers begin using w8lab Probiotic 40 Billion and experience the difference in their digestive health, mood stability, and overall vitality, they never want to be without this breakthrough support.

That’s why they typically stock up on a multi-month supply, ensuring they are protected from future stock shortages.

6-month supply | $25.99/bottle 3-month supply | $34.99/bottle 1-month supply | $47.99/bottle


Scientific Resources:




































Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. w8lab makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

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